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In addition - most energy companies offer rebates on hot water and HVAC system replacement. Of all the appliances in your home, your water heater uses the most energy. Taking short, warm, showers, instead of long, hot, showers or baths, will reduce the costs from your water heater.
In the average home, windows account for up to 30% of heat loss in the winter and up to 77% of heat gain in the summer. This means that even a small improvement in their energy efficiency can have a big impact on your heating and cooling costs. Switching to LED or CFL light bulbs is an easy way to reduce your home’s energy usage and save money on your electric bill. LED bulbs last longer and use less energy than CFL bulbs, so they are a great option if you’re looking to make the switch. Feed-in tariffs however are only available for around another 2 months .
Replace Your Light Bulbs
Not only will you be more comfortable, air currents in a drafty home can strip about 40% of the energy from the home. Air-sealing combined with good storm windows can help save a lot of energy. If your windows are in poor condition, maybe it's time for replacement? Installing new energy-efficient windows will make a huge difference not only in your energy bill, but also in your comfort in you home.
The type of flooring you choose to place in your home can also save energy and money. Carpet can trap heat and keep your home much warmer during the cold winter months. Adding insulation to your attic can help seal air leaks and improve your home’s heating and cooling costs.
Ways to Make Your Home Energy Efficient
You will need more energy to heat frozen food than from room temperature. Allow the frozen food to sit outside long enough to bring it to room temperature. The heat generated within the room can be efficiently circulated with the help of a ceiling fan.
Adding additional insulation to your attic, basement, or crawl spaces can make your home more energy efficient. A programmable thermostat is a great way to save energy and money. It allows you to set your heating and cooling system to run only when you need it, which can save you a lot of money on your energy bills.
Depending on where you live, adding insulation to your walls may assist with reducing your monthly energy consumption. Use protective covering such as plastic covering and thermal panels to deflect heat away during more extreme temperatures. Picking the most suitable materials for your home's walls will enable you to remain comfortable every season of the year, all while saving some money. This means understanding your energy consumption and making a list of electrical appliances you use.
Save money, cut your energy consumption, and live more environmentally friendly. Discover 50 ways to make your home more energy efficient. Energy Star products, such as refrigerators, televisions, stoves, washers and air conditioners, meet energy-efficient specifications set by the EPA. Energy Star-qualified appliances use 10-50% less energy than standard appliances and help reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.
Perform an Energy Audit
One way to save energy and money is to set the temperature of your hot water heater to a lower temperature. This will help to reduce your energy use, and it will also save you money on your energy bills. Your home’s doors and windows are another part of your home to target when looking for ways to conserve energy and save money. According to the United States Department of Energy, the heat lost and gained through windows is responsible for between 20% and 35% of the energy used in residential spaces.
Depending on whether you want the interior warmer or cooler, you can choose the paint color. Paints specifically meant for this purpose are also sold in the market. Switch to double or triple glazed glass panels for your windows.
Good maintenance is necessary to keep the system in good working order - it’ll increase the longevity of the system and be better for your health. Your energy company most likely offers rebates on getting your HVAC system checked out. Make sure your attic and walls are properly insulated to keep heat in and cold out. This will help you save money on your energy bill and keep your home more comfortable all year round.

Both DTE and Consumers Energy offer rebates on new window installation. A furnace or A/C unit that hasn’t been serviced annually is probably costing you extra money to operate and also creating bad air quality in the home. Service your equipment at least annually to make sure it’s in good condition. Changing your furnace filter regularly will also save you money and improve the indoor air quality of your home.
You can find out a lot options for insulating your walls and floors, roof and loft, and even your pipes and radiators. Another thing you can try out is the large variety of energy efficient lighting products. Hey also create an excellent experience while using half the water.

If there is space in your freezer, fill it with bottles of tap water and turn off the refrigerator. Also available is low-cost stick-on insulation that may be used to cover the edges of drafty doors, which will result in a warmer home and cheaper energy bills. It is easy to miss the tiny things – but a large number of small activities can add up to significant transformation. Do things like switch off the lights when you leave a room, and make investments in something like a water-saving showerhead and an eco-kettle to help reduce your carbon footprint. Inefficient boilers are a key source of high energy expenses in the home.
Any change, great or small, that makes your home more energy efficient is worth considering. We’ve compiled a list of 10 tips for how to make your home more energy efficient. There are countless ways to make your home more energy efficient, and a lot of them cost less than you might think. At OVO, we’re getting up to all kinds of things to help make UK homes greener and reduce our members’ carbon footprints. And even if you’re not in a position to replace your old boiler just yet, there are a few other nifty tricks you can try, to make your current one work better. To find out how much electricity an average UK home uses, and how your home compares, read our new guide.

Based on this, it’s easy to see how you can save valuable energy around the house by sealing your doors and windows. A visual inspection should help you find out which doors and windows need to be sealed or changed altogether. You may even find the problematic spots by noting the areas in your home where you feel cold drafts when the heat is turned on.
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